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加入时间: 2005/11/08
文章: 1956
来自: America
积分: 10755

文章时间: 2011-3-12 周六, 下午11:51    标题: 敦煌賦 引用回复


Essay on Dunhuang1

Dunhuang is an ancient town, the land of the cave paintings. It was also the Silk Way then to the western regions2. The caravans of horses and camels came eastward through it to Xianyang3. Therefore, the development of the trade between old China and western states depended on this thoroughfare. It could lead north to Gobi desert and south to the high mountains4. It is the oasis in deserts. The Jiang Clan once lived here. The rock paintings in the caverns are handed down from the prosperous Tang Dynasty. How great is Dunhuang, the glory of China. In thousands of the grottos are stored such treasure. Sky-fliers5 are seen on the rocky walls and also the other colorful paintings. They look splendid in blue, white, red and yellow. The goddesses hover and dance, the long bands on their dress tracing in the air. Some play lutes on the back, the fancied celestial music resounding. Magnificent is Dunhuang, the wonder of Cathay. In the caves of Mogao and Yulin6, thousands of statues are conspicuous. Buddhas and gods are painted in multi-colored garments. The sculptures in stone were all engraved by common people. The statues are in various postures, all showing different features. Some standing, some sitting or lying, all arranged as planned. Buddhas have halo behind heads and gods look so stern and serene.

The old town Dunhuang was also named Yang Pass. Another name was Jade Gate Pass, a border town at that time. Soldiers guarding the place were not easy to return home alive. Poet Wang Wei had a line: “West across Yang Pass, there are no friends.” Another Poet Zhihuan said, “The Spring wind never crosses the Jade Gate Pass.” That’s why, when hearing the parting song of “Three Refrains of Yang Pass”, poets would chant in sorrow with tears down.

But now, cars come and go incessantly, and railways are already in service. In the blue sky and under white clouds, airplanes shuttle over it. Glad that the old town puts on a new face and happy that the streets look so prosperous. It invites the travelers there in hustle and bustle and brings west and east together in harmony. Ah! If not of this place, which town can I think or dream?
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