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Aust Winner 澳洲长风论坛总目录 -> 现代诗歌
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加入时间: 2008/03/11
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文章时间: 2016-4-09 周六, 上午8:40    标题: [原创]星儿叶子的双语诗歌 引用回复


Star Leaf’s Poems


英译/丁亮 张燕婷
审校/张造云 终审/Carole(英)

《遥望春天》 Hoping For Spring

你告诉我,春天来了 You told me , the spring is coming
一群诗人在集会 The poets are gathering
杏花开了 Apricot flowers are opening
桃花、梨花、樱桃花 Peach blossom ,pear blossom and sakura
漫山遍野地绚烂 Blooming all over the mountain
你说过来看一下吧 You say ,you will come here to watch
徜徉花海,没有人不沉醉 Wandering in the flower sea, so charming

我一遍又一遍掀开 I remember it over and over again
深红、浅红, 和洁白 They are red , pink and white
想象的翅膀展开 The wings of imagine are opened
花潮涌动 The flowers are waving
可我依然安静地坐在 I still sitting and keep silent
北方的阳台 On the Northern balcony
举目遥望你的南方 But you live on the south

《我们永远回不去了》 We Never ever Getting Back Together

你说,我们永远回不去了 You say that we are never ever getting back together
那些美丽的影子, I miss those beautiful shadows
纯净的忧伤,年轻的爱和泪水 And the pure sorrow ,love and tears
不管是暮春的残红 No matter the spring flowers wither
还是秋叶飘零 Or the leaves falling down on autumn
我们真的回不去了 we are never ever getting back together
太多的尘埃 There are so much dust
压在了我们心上 Covering our heart
蒙住了我们的眼睛 And deceiving our eyes
时光啊,你残忍的 Oh time ,you playing a joke on us
拨弄生命的手指啊 With fingers fooling life
我们真的回不去了 We are never ever getting back together

《王昭君》 Wang Zhaojun

一生幽怨 Her life is a long and dolorous story
弹进琵琶 Only her PiPa always stay with her
踏过了漫漫荒沙 Went through the desert
历史落在瘦小的肩头 The responsibility fell on her thin shoulder
开成草原上一朵冷艳的花 Turning into a magnificent flower on the grasslands
踏出汉宫的刹那 At the moment she walked out from her homeland
爱散作漫天烟花 Love burst into fireworks on the air
你已放下 You have put down everything

《千山万水之外》 Remote

千山万水之外 Far away from here
谁的气息倘恍迷离 Who breaths weakly?
我寻不到你的踪迹 I can not find where you are
泪水悄悄滑落的夜晚 In that night, my tears inched silently
哀伤似酒 Sorrow like wines
诗情如歌 poetics like songs
心如潮水,心如止水 My heart like the tide and then it calms down
牵手的是风 The wind hold on my hands
欲聚又散 We meet and dismiss
一朵飞蓬 Just like a flying reed
一声游丝般叹息 Or like a slight sign

My Loving Resume
Time: adolescence
Place: under the heartless cliff of the arid hill
Protagonist: me , the sun , the moon , stars , rocks , plants , water , and flowers , bees , butterflies , storm , snow and freedom
Reasons: I love them into the bone
I love them more than myself
Process: full of pathos, depending on each other, sweet talks and never abandon
Result: lovers integrated, losing myself at last, isolated independence, home today and gone tomorrow
Sequel of love: I can not hold in your arms
Remark: It is too late to regret

《你走不进的房间》 A Room You Can Not Enter

我的心总有你走不进的房间 There is always a room you can not enter in my heart
也没有钥匙可以交给你 And no key for you as well
因为它没有门,也没有窗 Because it has neither doors nor windows
我是穿墙而入,又穿墙而出的 I go out through the wall and so do come in

你不必徘徊在外面,忧郁 You don’t need to wander outside , sadness
让我静静地呆在那里 Just let me alone and stay there silently
享受一刻孤独的时光 To enjoy my lonely time
呼吸一丝清冽的空气 To breathe my fresh air
让我轻轻梳理自己的心绪 Just let me card my mind
像一只鹅儿眯着眼梳理它的毛羽 Like a goose, carding its feather with eyes closing

你不要为我担心 You don’t need to worry about me
走在我自己的世界里 I am walking in my world
我永远不会迷失 I will never get lost
你不必问我神游了哪里 You shouldn’t ask where I will go
因为我自己也已经说不清 Because I don’t know where am

当我走出来时 When I go out
站在你面前的 And I standing before you
仍是那个 I never change myself
面带微笑的亲切的女子 I am stii the friendly girl with smile

《致流星》 For A Meteor

你是一颗流星 You are a meteor
偶尔划过我的天空 Streaking across my heavens
你的光彩 Your flame
照亮了我淡然的生命 Lighting up my life

我是一颗流星 I am a meteor
不经意间,闯入了你的天空 Bursting into your heavens accidentally
愿我的光彩 I hope my brightness
也能点燃你的生命 Also lighting up your life

对于他人 For others
我们都是一颗神秘的流星 We are both the mysterious meteors
短暂的闪耀 Sparking shortly
美丽的永恒 Beautiful forever

《我们是存在的》 We Are Existed

那块岩石是存在的 That rock is existsed
在我的有生之年 During my lifetime
我一直会看到 I will always see it
它蹲在岸边 Squatting on the shore

你是存在的 You are existed
在我看得见和看不见的缝隙里 visible or invisible crack
你呼吸着 You are alive breathing

我是存在的 I am existed
在蜡烛没有燃尽油脂之前 Before the candles die out
我喜欢听秋夜蟋蟀的声音 I like listening to songs of crickets in the autumn nights
喜欢听冬雪的沉默 And the falling snow in silence

季节和爱情是存在的 Seasons and love are existed
年轻的眸子,年轻的诗 Young eyes, young poems
在花朵里迁徙 In the time of flowers bloom and fad
鸟鸣如一粒粒阳光 Warbles like the sunshine
抽出嫩芽 Trees are sprouting
炫耀地举在枝头 They flaunting on the branches
于是我相信 Thus,I believe
我们都是存在的 We are all existed
甚而至于把影像粘贴在墙壁上 I even put the images onto the wall
张开手 Open our hands
向时间要一张永恒的签约 To Sign a eternal contract with the time

《八月女子》 A Girl In August

八月,清凉的月光 It has a cool moonlight in August
桂子飘香 The fragrance of laurel blossoms filled with the air
一支白色的羽毛 A white feather
轻轻降落 Descending slightly
大地的掌心 The palm of the land
吸纳温婉的气息 Absorbing the gentle breaths
瞬间幻化成灵动的女子 Becoming a efficacious girl suddenly
她翩跹梦的羽翅 She waved the wings of dream
穿行于红尘 Flying in the world
采撷带露的花枝 To pick up twigs of the flowers
装点 To decorate
人间诗的花园 The garden of the poetry in the world.

《我深情地把你仰望》 I Gaze at You Affectionately

住在高高的楼宇 Living in the tall buildings
深情地把你仰望 I gaze at you affectionately
你不是天上的星 You are not the stars in the sky
也不是天上的神 You are not God in heaven, either
你是普普通通的民工 You are an ordinary worker
攀爬在高高的脚手架 You climbing on the high scaffolding

那冰冷的钢筋水泥 Those inanimate steels and cements
在你灵巧的手下 On your deft hands
在你有力的肩上 On your powerful shoulders
变幻成都市温暖的大厦 Changing into the warm building in that City
上面没有刻下你的名字 There's no name on it
你脸上荡漾满足的笑容 But the satisfied smile is always on your face

你坚硬骨头的双手 You have the hands with firm bones
擎起了生命的大厦 Supporting the building of life
托起了生活的希望 Supporting the hope for life
托起了国与家 Supporting the nation and the home

睁开,我们所有人的眼睛 Please open, the eyes all of us
那些高贵的眼睛 Those noble eyes
来看一看—— To have a look
看一看这世间真正的 Through the real world
爱与力的伟大! How great the love and power

《生命独白》 Life's Monologue

排开一瓣瓣心香 Putting your mind in a row.
缭绕生命的栖息地 Around the habitats of life
泪水清洗来路的尘埃 Tears clean the antecedents of dust
双眼透明爱的声音 Love songs singing in eyes
一叶孤舟的生命 Our lives are so small
行程幽昧 Our journey is so dark
漂泊成宿命,爱延展成海 We are doomed to drift, but love is sea so broad

心底里流出的咸 The blue out of of my heart
涤洗了脏腑和灵魂 To wash the viscera and the soul
长歌当哭 Crying in the long song
抚遍岁月苍茫 To Feel the passage of time
独立秋的尽头 Standing alone at the end of fall
畅望春的边缘 To look at the edge of the spring
生命之火坚韧地燃烧 The fire of life is tenacious burning
烛照幽暗与光华 Lighting through the dark
铺排开人生的盛宴 To open a feast of life

端坐飘摇的云朵 Sitting on the fluttering clouds
挥手而别 Waved and said goodbye
生的解读,死的诠释 The interpretation on survival or death
释然而笑的面影 With relieved smile on face

《致大地》 For The Land

一颗生命,滴落在你怀里 A life, falling into your arms
你站在时间里,等我 You standing the moment waiting for me
山川、草木和牛羊 Mountains, vegetation, and cattles
心思简单而纯粹 Thoughts are simple and pure
风吹过 It is the wind coming through
你的花红了,天空开始下雨 Your flowers turning red, and rain began to drop
季节、水和空气 The season, the water and the air
喂养我的庄稼、容颜和思想 Feeding with my crops, skins and thoughts
我对你说话或沉默 I speak to you or keep silent
贴近你的肺,从不失眠 Close to your lungs, and never lose dreams

有一天 In course of time
你收藏了我 You collected me
聪明者成群结队 The Smarts are gathering in crowds
从我的额头上踏过去 Treading on my forehead

《躺在诗歌的摇篮里》 Lying in the Cradle of Poetry

不敢沉的太深 Afraid to silence too long
害怕隔绝太远 Afraid to isolate far beyond
面前棘刺的小路 In front of us thorns on path
一条条 A great deal
侧身而过 I was passing by it

腾出一只手 I was Keeping one hand free
括出一段干净的时间 To find time clean
眯起眼,深蓝色的呼吸 Narrowing my eyes, and deeping breath
梦一样迷离的舒畅 It’s misted like a dream in sea
躺在诗歌浩大的怀里 Lying in the arms of poetry
柔软的白云随风荡漾 Soft clouds floating in wind
九天里的空灵 The sky is intangible
五彩斑斓的霞光 The afterglow is colorful
妈妈温柔的摇篮里 In the mother's gentle cradle
熟睡的婴孩 The baby is sleeping.
现出天使的笑容 With the Angel's smile like me

《死 亡》 The Death

圣洁的身体,被黑丝绒裹着 The holy body was wrapped in the black velvet
我安静地躺进坟墓 I lay in the grave quietly
我害怕黑暗的疼痛 I was afraid of the dark.
请把我轻轻地放进泥土 Please put me in the dirt lightly
就像种下一粒种子 Just like plant a small seed
我的脚,手指和头发 My fingers ,my hair and my feet
如婴孩睡在妈妈怀里 Sleeping in mother's arms like a baby
笑容飘成天空的云朵 The smile floating into the sky as the clouds
我慢慢融化 I melt slowly
我长出了草和花朵 I became the grass and the flowers
风是我的呼吸,鸟是我的飞翔 The wind is my breath and the bird is my flight
在草虫的鸣唱里,牛羊睁着眼睛 In the song of insects, and the cattles keep eyes open
云朵绽开我的梦 The clouds bloom my dreams
爱在庄稼里拔节生长 Love grows in the crops.
谁能阻止我自由地飞翔? Who can stop me from flying?

《五月》 In May

夏长长的裙摆绿了一层又一层 The summer's skirt become greener and greener
一个妩媚的小女子 A charming young girl
悄然走遍了大地的角角落落 Going through every corner of the earth quietly

五月的夜温柔如黑色的眼睛 The May night is tender, like black eyes
眼波深处荡漾着甜甜的槐花香 Smelling the fragrance of flowers everywhere

我坐在五月的窗前 I sitting in front of the window in May
坐在一片芬芳的诗意里 And sitting in a fragrant poem

《与一朵花对视》 Gazing at a Flower

与一朵花对视 Gazing at a flower
她艳丽着我的心 She makes my heart so bright
一片片娇艳的花瓣 Pieces of beautiful petals
慢慢张开她的芬芳 Releasing her fragrance leisurely
我的心在缓缓开放 My heart coming into bloom slowly
花的生命,我的生命 Life of flower, Life of me
花茎里红色的脉是我流动的血液 My blood flowing as in red flower veins
生命的密码在瞬间对接 The password of life in that moment
我与一朵花息息相通 I am in close communication with a flower

《站在花树下》 Standing under a Flourish Tree

站在花树下 Standing under a flowering tree
看花儿绽放与凋落 Seeing the flowers blooming and falling
落英缤纷 The fallen petals in riotous profusion
落满心的原野 Falling over the fields
花儿 The flowers
凋落一春,又绽放一春 Fade and bloom
生生不息唱着生命的恋歌 Singing the amatory songs of life unremittingly
一年年走向繁盛 Towards to the prosperity year by year

我生命的青哟 The green of my life
在辽远的时空里 In the distant universe
绽放一春 Fading
又凋落一春 And blooming
生生不息唱着生命的歌 Singing the elegy of life unremittingly
一年年走向衰暮 Towards to the decline year by year
当我悄然静卧在泥土温厚的怀里 When I lying in the warm mud quietly
年年墓草青青 Tomb weeds growing year by year
是不是我生命延续的恋 Whether it is the continuation of my love?

Father's Cow

The cow was being fed by my father for more than ten years
She died during the Spring Festival
She was pregnant with a baby calf

She died on a snowy winter
The cold wind made her belly heavier
She walking on a slippery and rugged mountain to find some grass
She fell down. She couldn’t stand up once she came back
Her last child died in the belly
She is exhausted, and severe malnutrition
My father sold her to a butcher with the calf in her belly
My father put her skin on the wall.
Our brothers and sisters were happy to go home for the new year.
The wrinkles were sparkling in his face
My father brought us a plate of food made of the cow's liver with his coarse hands.

Everybody says that you will become lucky if you birth in the OX Year
My father was born in the OX Year
When we were very young
My father brought a calf

He worked on the vast farm with his cow
And he pulled the oxcart with his cow for many times
What a marvelous caw she was and she gave birth for our family every year
My father sold her child year by year
To feed the hungry days
It also supported us to finish our college education
My father's cow died in the Spring Festival
This is the first time I have found my father's wrinkles and gray hair

My father's best “dish”
I put it in my mouth but hard to swallow
The tears in my eyes struggled a few times ,and I also pain a few times
I can't swallow the cow's liver at last

My father sitting beside me and he always smiling
I do not know how much vicissitudes in his silence

《生命长歌》 The Song of Life

沸腾的血铺排于我的眼前 The boiling blood is coming into my view.
我看到生命辉煌的诞生 I saw the birth of life
你和我弯着腰虔诚地走过洪荒之海 You and me through the sea, bowed and devotional
一粒微尘瞬间爆发原子的闪光 A dust flash the atomic light
生命之微与生命之巨突兀于 Life's small but great
太平凡与太伟大的人间 Ordinary but grand
我想象天使微笑的眼泪 I imagine it is the tears of an angel.
细雨打湿你飞翔的翅膀 The rain wet your wings
你撒满花瓣在你的来路 You strew the petals on your road coming here
生的香气铺陈前行的脚步 The aroma lay ahead of the footprints
雾幔装饰的长廊 The decorated corridor
一双双脚踏过去 A great deal of feet going through
一双双翅膀飞过去 A ton of Wings flying away
一双双眼睛充满生之渴望 A great number of eyes full of desire
然后,你悄然消失在长路尽头 And then,you disappear at the end of the road
没有人知道你去了哪一个金光闪耀的洞 No one knows where you're going
抑或幽暗深邃的洞 For a glittering hope or a gloomy dream

充满哲思的大脑 The brain is full of philosophical thinking
穷究生的价值和意义 To explore the value and significance of life
企图指引人类生死的逻辑 To guide the logic of human's existence and death
我只看到赤裸的脚急急走过 I only saw the ★违反论坛条例!★ foot through the ground
荆棘、荒原和沙漠 The thorn, the wasteland and the desert in haste
那些流着汗水、暴晒了皮肤的脊背 The people running out of sweat, with skin exposed.
弯曲着向前,驮着一座座生命的山 Going ahead with rough life
没有回头 No turning round
我无法高声赞美 I can not praise high
赞美之声淹没于波涛汹涌的大海 As praise sounds sink in proud sea
我无法放声痛哭 I can't burst into tears
痛哭的泪飘逝在浩荡天宇 As tears disappear in the sky
生命的微小以生的过程照见 The process of life is the witness of life's small
生命的伟大以生的过程诠释 And the process is the interpretation of life's great
生命的价值和意义只在于每个生命本身 The value and significance lies in each life itself.
如小草绿过,如鲜花开过 Such as the grass green, and the flowers blooming
如大树挺拔,如高山屹立 Such as the trees tall andstraight; the mountains always standing
如大海汹涌,如沙漠沉寂 Such as the seas rough,and the deserts drowsy
存在过即是价值 Once where there is an exist there is the value
我尊崇人世的壮美,我尊崇生命的高贵 I respect the magnificent world, and I admire the noble life
我赞美平凡的美德,我崇拜朴实的生命 I praise the ordinary virtues, and I worship the simple life
生的价值不在于一座座丰碑 The value of life is not the large number of the monuments
所有的生命都诞生于尘土又化做了尘土 All lifes were born in the dust, and it became the dust in the end
真诚地活过 Be live in good faith
用美德装饰过人类生的长廊 To decorate the promenade with virtues
哪怕辉煌地装饰抑或朴素地装饰 No matter it decorated in brilliant or simply
都是赞美诗里的天使 They are the angels in the poem.

在生生不息的长河中, In the course of life
所有生命的血泪生命的歌哭 All of life's tears and song of life
浩荡成一只辉煌的乐曲 Have become a classical music
你我弹拨真善美的音符 We play the notes of sincerity, kindness and beauty
导引人类幽暗的行程 To guide the dark journey of mankind
鼓舞人类生命执着的脚步 To inspire the persistent steps of human beings.
在生的源头诞生了华美的河 The glorious river was born in the source of life
在死的尽头汇聚成波光潋滟的海 The sea gather the lights at the end of the death
诞生里一声长哭是黎明的朝阳 The birth the sound of crying in the sunrise
死亡里一丝游走的气息是夕阳最后的温热The death is the last breath in the sunset
在这漫长又短暂的行程里 In the long or short journey
生命的尊严如豪华盛宴铺排 The dignity of life like a luxurious feast
在坚实的大地上 On the substantial land
生命的美德如遍野的鲜花开满山冈河流 The goodness of life spreads everywhere like the flowers
生命的歌声如华美乐章响彻浩浩宇宙 The songs of life throughout the universe like classic music .
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