加入时间: 2005/11/22 文章: 1422 来自: 西欧 积分: 8678
Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661–1720)
Adam Posed
Could our first father, at his toilsome plow,
Thorns in his path, and labor on his brow,
Clothed only in a rude, unpolished skin,
Could he a vain fantastic nymph have seen,
In all her airs, in all her antic graces,
Her various fashions, and more various faces;
How had it posed that skill, which late assigned
Just appellations to each several kind!
A right idea of the sight to frame;
T'have guessed from what new element she came;
T'have hit the wav'ring form, or giv'n this thing a name. _________________ 雪泥作品http://vip.book.sina.com.cn/book/index_73301.html |