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Aust Winner 澳洲长风论坛总目录 -> Multi Languages Section 双语作品、西方文学
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性别: 性别:女

加入时间: 2005/11/22
文章: 1422
来自: 西欧
积分: 8678

文章时间: 2006-3-13 周一, 下午8:21    标题: Father 引用回复

By M.R.

My life is over at eighteen
Even before it began
You ripped off my liberty
You steal my right to freedom
Not once but everyday
To the world you appear to be noble
A man who loves his wife, son and daughter
But my lips ache to scream out
The reality to this world and beyond
You are a selfish person
Who does not care for us
Who pretends to be God fearing
But worships the Devil within
They say a child chooses its parents
When cradled in the arms of the Lord
I curse the moment and all present
When I chose you to be my father
In an image of the Lord
You are a masked monster not my dad
He was my favourite guy on the planet
Who loved me to bits and pieces
He would cry if I did
And fulfill every little wish I made
I was his and mom's little miracle
Who proved every top gynaecologist wrong
And pushed my way into this world
Blessing you to be called my Papa
Thirty years later today
Every inch of me regrets the sacrifice
Of leaving the Lord and His angels
For a venomous serpent like you
I don't know who you are
Who gave you the right to live with us
To sleep on the bed beside mom
And touch her where I once lived
In embryonic fluid my angelic feet danced
My heart screams every day
To run away from here
When I hear your voice in the house
I feel like burying you live underground
With a zillion needles piercing your body
I want to press my ears upon the mud
And hear your breath getting shorter
Then triumphantly I want to dance upon you
While you plead to let you out
Gasping for air underneath
Oh how I want you to suffer
To cry for my mercy and beg for life
I want you to die in agony and hopelessness
Just like I die every day
As the sun rises in azure blue skies
I live in my dreams and on paper
In a tiny square room behind a wooden door
I love this door that symbolically
Protects me from your evil eye
Miles away from my sweetheart
All I can do is pray to God
For a new beginning
Far away from even your slimy shadow
Cuddled in the embrace of my sweetheart
Safe in his arms and happy to be free
While you with work can continue to rot
In your business empire with all your pentacles
I hate to eat the food
Which comes from your money
It makes me obese
And plagued with toxins
You don’t care to fix small repairs in our home
Or to replace the broken mirrors
The last thing you brought me were expired chocolates
Rejected by a five star hotel
Eating them I suffered food poisoning
I almost died but you don’t care
You are a beer belly villain
Who makes me wish I was dead
After all you are still my Father

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Aust Winner 澳洲长风论坛总目录 -> Multi Languages Section 双语作品、西方文学
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