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Aust Winner 澳洲长风论坛总目录 -> 英语角
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加入时间: 2006/03/11
文章: 984

积分: 827

文章时间: 2011-12-29 周四, 下午7:50    标题: [雅思]2011年12月5日雅思口语Part2话题预测 引用回复


  电视节目A TV program (like/dislike)
  电影 A ★违反论坛条例!★/ A foreign film 国外电影
  工作 An (interesting) job/ A job you want to try
  广告 Advertisement
  国外食物 Foreign food
  户外运动Outdoor activity
  技能 Most useful practical skill
  家常菜 Home cooked food
  健康习惯方式 A healthy lifestyle you want recommend to your friends
  体育赛事 A sports competition you watched or attended
  体育运动 Sport
  希望改变的生活方式 Lifestyle about health you want to change
  喜欢读的一类书籍 A kind of book you like to read
  想学的事情 A thing you want learn
  新闻故事 A piece of interesting news
  野生动物 A wild animal
  音乐活动 A music event you attend or seen in a TV show
  电子产品A Machine or Electronic Device (not computer) *
  法律 A good law/ New laws
  购买的一件有价值的东西 something you brought which is valuable
  故事 A traditional story from your country
  贺卡/信件/信息 Card/letter/message
  家乡流行音乐A type of popular song in your country
  交通工具 Traffic tool
  旧物 An old thing in your family
  礼物 A gift
  手工制品 Handcraft
  损坏的物品 One of your stuff that was broken
  想购买的汽车 A vehicle you want to buy
  一件昂贵的物品 A piece of expensive thing you brought
  杂志 Magazine
  照片 A photograph
  自己制作的物品Something you made yourself
  成功的人 A successful person
  崇拜的人 A person you admire
  儿时的朋友 A friend you had when you were a child
  国外名人 A famous foreign person
  讲外语的人 A person you met who speak a foreign language
  节目主持人 A TV/Radio presenter
  具有冒险精神的人 An adventurous person
  老人 An oldest Person you know
  老师 A teacher/childhood teacher you want to meet again
  老友 A friend you know for a long time
  邻居 Neighour
  小孩 A young child you know
  新闻中的人物A news person you want to see
  新闻中认识的人 A person you form news
  一个家庭(但不是你的家庭) A family (not your family)
  一起旅游的人 A person who you want to travel with
  艺术家 An artist
  安静的地方 You visit a quite/peaceful place
  吃饭的地方 A place you sometimes go for lunch/ A restaurant
  工作地点 A place you work
  公园/花园a park/ Garden
  购物中心 A shopping centre
  古老建筑 An old building
  酒店 A hotel
  理想大学 The university you want to go
  理想中的房子/公寓 A ideal house/apartment
  历史遗迹 An historic building
  旅居城市 A city you have visited or lived in
  水边的城市 A place near water (lake, sea, river…) that you have visited during childhood
  小公司 A small company
  休闲娱乐中心 Leisure centre
  步行A walk you regular take (with who, where, see what)
  电话里的对话 A conversation on the phone
  读过的书 A book You read
  儿时不好的经历 A naughty thing you did in your childhood
  儿时的爱好 Hobby in children
  儿时的玩具A childhood toy
  儿时的一首歌 A Childhood song
  故事中的角色 A character from your childhood stories
  合作项目 A project or job you work with others
  环保 Something you do to protect Environment
  家庭聚会 Family event
  家乡的变化 A recent changes to hometown
  建议 Advice
  教育 A series of educational programme
  旅行 A journey took longer than you expect
  文化庆典 A cultural festival
  学会的技能Skill you have learnt
  一次帮助别人的经历 A time you helped others
  一天休闲生活One day except your working and studying time that you go for relax
  有纪念意义的一首歌 A song reminds you of a particular time in your life
  有益的工作 The job that can make the world better
  重要的庆祝 An important celebration

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Aust Winner 澳洲长风论坛总目录 -> 英语角
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