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Something about English composition(作者:韩家华)

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文章时间: 2005-11-05 周六, 上午5:29    标题: Something about English composition(作者:韩家华) 引用回复

Something about English composition

作者:韩家华 发表时间:2005-9-1

Exemplification is one of the most common and important methods in writhing discourse in which you must make your paragraph development readable and lively. Thus you should try your best to give some statements and then explain them with an example or examples. Just as we can strengthen other writing by replacing general words with specific words and by adding details, we can make our writing clearer by giving examples, which act as the topic sentence. In fact, examples may be single words, phrases, anecdotes or extended from a paragraph to a whole essay in length, but I would rather quote some verses or lines by which we will make the essay more vivid thereby they would give rise to more affectionate feelings and leave unforgettable impressions for readers.
The following is an example written by me:
In the aspects of the theories of the English teaching, we always run back to somebody else’s. Taking a comprehensive view of every kind of teaching methods, you may have a comparison from the authority source: Direct approach, hearing and saying method, cognition method, function method, social intercourse method etc. In fact these teaching methods all contain the part of one’s own reasons. The key consists in teachers who themselves go to full with confidence. The important cause ground system is proper teaching according to his individual ability. Everyone wants the students of the different degree to discover the most valid teaching method to them. The mountain of books, however, does not turn into the road of itself. The English teaching is an art. Facing the different students or study purposes, you should never try to grasp the beard and eyebrow with one blow. In each stage or starting point, the first thing of all you have to do is to make students understand their study purpose at present. Make sure to have your students regard the study itself as a kind of social intercourse tool to use. The good beginning is a half the battle.
着手写篇章时,要使得段落的发展具有可读性及生动活泼,举例说明可看作是最常见的和重要的方法之一。因此你应该尽力在做出陈述之后举例子加以说明。正如我们可以用特定的字眼来更换一般的字汇或借助增加细节来增强其他的写作方法一样,我们可以使我们的作品更清楚分明,举出例子来充当主题句。事实上,例子可能是单字,片语, 轶事或从一个段落到一篇的整个随笔,但是我宁愿引述一些诗句来产生更为深情的感觉从而给读者留下难以忘却的印象。
在英语教学理论方面,我们总是要回溯到别人的牙慧中。提及那包罗万象的各种教学方法,你不妨可以把来源于权威人士的论述做一个比较: 直接法,听说法,认知法,功能法,还有交际法等等。事实上以上所有的方法全部包含部份自己的教学理由。关键是在于老师们自己的信心。重要的因素都有据可依,这要取决于适当地依照个人的能力施教。每位教师都要让他们不同程度学生发现最适合自己的有效的教学方法。然而,书山不会自动变成坦途的。英语教学是一种艺术。面对着不同的学生或学习目的,你决不应该胡子眉毛一把抓。在每个阶段或起点,你要做的最首要的事是让学生明白他们当前学习的目的。确保让你的学生把学习本身视为一种社会的交际工具来使用。 好的开端是成功的一半。


Some translation of sentences written by very important people
Any historic persons who have great achievements show their merits in which they must result from hard working and painstaking practice.
凡事以理想为因,实行为果。 (鲁迅)
In doing everything, we take the ideal as the reason for which we practice and get our fruit.
As long as one has the great ideal, he feel always happy even if at the time when meeting with the hardest and the most difficult occasion.
To realize one’s ideal, he needs not only determination and courage, but also the knowledge.
A person who had the great and lofty ideal must also have the classic thoughts and feelings, without which he can't attain his goal.
We want to live with the ambition, but we must avoid the idealistic unpractical. There is an ancient Chinese saving that well goes, " Going far you feel famous, and when ascending high you appear vulgar."

The Sorrow of Love (---By William Butler Yeats)

The quarrel of the sparrow in the eaves,
  The full round moon and the star-laden sky,
And the loud song of the ever-singing leaves,
  Has hid away earth's old and weary cry.
And then you came with those red mournful lips,
  And with you came the whole of the world's tears,
And all the trouble of her laboring ships
  And all the trouble of her myriad years.
And how the sparrows warring in the eaves,
  The curd-pale moon, the white stars in the sky,
And the loud chaunting of the unquiet leaves,
  Are shaken with earth's old and weary cry.

爱的悲哀 /叶芝(1865-1939),1923年获诺贝尔文学奖




註冊時間: 2005-06-09
文章: 13
來自: Fujian Province,China
發表於: 04 九月 2005 01:23 am 文章主題: Re: Something about English composition


han456bb 寫到:
Something about English composition

作者:韩家华 发表时间:2005-9-1

Exemplification is one of the most common and important methods in writhing discourse in which you must make your paragraph development readable and lively. Thus you should try your best to give some statements and then explain them with an example or examples. Just as we can strengthen other writing by replacing general words with specific words and by adding details, we can make our writing clearer by giving examples, which act as the topic sentence. In fact, examples may be single words, phrases, anecdotes or extended from a paragraph to a whole essay in length, but I would rather quote some verses or lines by which we will make the essay more vivid thereby they would give rise to more affectionate feelings and leave unforgettable impressions for readers.
The following is an example written by me:
In the aspects of the theories of the English teaching, we always run back to somebody else’s. Taking a comprehensive view of every kind of teaching methods, you may have a comparison from the authority source: Direct approach, hearing and saying method, cognition method, function method, social intercourse method etc. In fact these teaching methods all contain the part of one’s own reasons. The key consists in teachers who themselves go to full with confidence. The important cause ground system is proper teaching according to his individual ability. Everyone wants the students of the different degree to discover the most valid teaching method to them. The mountain of books, however, does not turn into the road of itself. The English teaching is an art. Facing the different students or study purposes, you should never try to grasp the beard and eyebrow with one blow. In each stage or starting point, the first thing of all you have to do is to make students understand their study purpose at present. Make sure to have your students regard the study itself as a kind of social intercourse tool to use. The good beginning is a half the battle.
着手写篇章时,要使得段落的发展具有可读性及生动活泼,举例说明可看作是最常见的和重要的方法之一。因此你应该尽力在做出陈述之后举例子加以说明。正如我们可以用特定的字眼来更换一般的字汇或借助增加细节来增强其他的写作方法一样,我们可以使我们的作品更清楚分明,举出例子来充当主题句。事实上,例子可能是单字,片语, 轶事或从一个段落到一篇的整个随笔,但是我宁愿引述一些诗句来产生更为深情的感觉从而给读者留下难以忘却的印象。
在英语教学理论方面,我们总是要回溯到别人的牙慧中。提及那包罗万象的各种教学方法,你不妨可以把来源于权威人士的论述做一个比较: 直接法,听说法,认知法,功能法,还有交际法等等。事实上以上所有的方法全部包含部份自己的教学理由。关键是在于老师们自己的信心。重要的因素都有据可依,这要取决于适当地依照个人的能力施教。每位教师都要让他们不同程度学生发现最适合自己的有效的教学方法。然而,书山不会自动变成坦途的。英语教学是一种艺术。面对着不同的学生或学习目的,你决不应该胡子眉毛一把抓。在每个阶段或起点,你要做的最首要的事是让学生明白他们当前学习的目的。确保让你的学生把学习本身视为一种社会的交际工具来使用。 好的开端是成功的一半。


Some translation of sentences written by very important people
Any historic persons who have great achievements show their merits in which they must result from hard working and painstaking practice.
凡事以理想为因,实行为果。 (鲁迅)
In doing everything, we take the ideal as the reason for which we practice and get our fruit.
As long as one has the great ideal, he feel always happy even if at the time when meeting with the hardest and the most difficult occasion.
To realize one’s ideal, he needs not only determination and courage, but also the knowledge.
A person who had the great and lofty ideal must also have the classic thoughts and feelings, without which he can't attain his goal.
We want to live with the ambition, but we must avoid the idealistic unpractical. There is an ancient Chinese saving that well goes, " Going far you feel famous, and when ascending high you appear vulgar."

The Sorrow of Love (---By William Butler Yeats)

The quarrel of the sparrow in the eaves,
  The full round moon and the star-laden sky,
And the loud song of the ever-singing leaves,
  Has hid away earth's old and weary cry.
And then you came with those red mournful lips,
  And with you came the whole of the world's tears,
And all the trouble of her laboring ships
  And all the trouble of her myriad years.
And how the sparrows warring in the eaves,
  The curd-pale moon, the white stars in the sky,
And the loud chaunting of the unquiet leaves,
  Are shaken with earth's old and weary cry.

爱的悲哀 /叶芝(1865-1939),1923年获诺贝尔文学奖



作者:韩家华 发表时间:2005-6-29

  中国传统文化的重心所在与西方文化大不相同,西方的基督教创造了一个永恒的彼岸世界。西方诗人们也把它看成了一切生命的最后安顿之所,现世人生只不过是永恒长河中一段微不足道的插曲。浪漫派诗人容易激动,然而即使是在他们最为激动的时候也并未完全为情感所俘虏,多多少少还是免不了静观的色彩。即使是在他们的入世色彩很浓的诗篇中,仍然保留着超脱凡尘的终极追求与关怀(ultimate concern)。照他们自己的话来说,他们的诗是“强烈情感流溢之后静忆”所得。(overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility)。也就是说,在情感翻腾之时不写,而是到了有一定心理距离之后,平心静气时才去写的。从这一点上看就与中国的诗人们大相径庭。中国的诗人或文学家往往都是在灵感来临时一气呵成的,容不得片刻拖延。如果你苦心经营,反而“淡而无味”。“少时学语苦难圆,只道工夫半未全。到老始知非力取,三分人事七分天。”估计这首诗也是诗人写出好诗后的偶然体会的现场纪录。清代梅曾亮认为:“文在天地,如云物烟景焉,一俯仰之间,而遁乎万里之外。故善为文者,无失其机。”明代谢榛也说:“诗有天机,待时而发,触物而成,虽幽寻苦索,不易得也。”南宋诗人戴复古也说:“有时忽得惊人句,费尽心机做不成。”   下面用一对实例来进一步铺张,看看我们能得到什么结果。


Thine azure sister of the Spring2 shall blow
Her clarion3(trumpet) o’er the dreaming earth, and fill
(Driving sweet buds like flocks(eager) to feed in air)
With living hues and odours (over) plain and hill:
Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere
Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!




my friend, my brother!
Don’t stop your cups.
Let me sing a song for you,
Listen carefully please.
But music and delicacies are nothing,
I long to dwell in drunkenness, and Never wake up to a sober world.

  在翻译诗歌时,在求“信”的前提下,应该尽量把原文的情怀表达出来。我感到这才是最难的了。在译文中用了”Never wake up to a sober world.” 似乎不忠于原文,实际上是最符合原文的情怀了。表达作者不愿意看到当时人世间的悲苦,个人抱负又难以实现,只能以酒消愁,宁可长醉不醒。如果不是这样译的话,在老外眼里只能读出一种异国情调,有趣则有趣,然而趣味何在,则惘无所知!这岂不是白译了?




註冊時間: 2005-06-09
文章: 13
來自: Fujian Province,China
發表於: 04 九月 2005 01:25 am 文章主題: Re: Something about English composition


han456bb 寫到:
Something about English composition

作者:韩家华 发表时间:2005-9-1

Exemplification is one of the most common and important methods in writhing discourse in which you must make your paragraph development readable and lively. Thus you should try your best to give some statements and then explain them with an example or examples. Just as we can strengthen other writing by replacing general words with specific words and by adding details, we can make our writing clearer by giving examples, which act as the topic sentence. In fact, examples may be single words, phrases, anecdotes or extended from a paragraph to a whole essay in length, but I would rather quote some verses or lines by which we will make the essay more vivid thereby they would give rise to more affectionate feelings and leave unforgettable impressions for readers.
The following is an example written by me:
In the aspects of the theories of the English teaching, we always run back to somebody else’s. Taking a comprehensive view of every kind of teaching methods, you may have a comparison from the authority source: Direct approach, hearing and saying method, cognition method, function method, social intercourse method etc. In fact these teaching methods all contain the part of one’s own reasons. The key consists in teachers who themselves go to full with confidence. The important cause ground system is proper teaching according to his individual ability. Everyone wants the students of the different degree to discover the most valid teaching method to them. The mountain of books, however, does not turn into the road of itself. The English teaching is an art. Facing the different students or study purposes, you should never try to grasp the beard and eyebrow with one blow. In each stage or starting point, the first thing of all you have to do is to make students understand their study purpose at present. Make sure to have your students regard the study itself as a kind of social intercourse tool to use. The good beginning is a half the battle.
着手写篇章时,要使得段落的发展具有可读性及生动活泼,举例说明可看作是最常见的和重要的方法之一。因此你应该尽力在做出陈述之后举例子加以说明。正如我们可以用特定的字眼来更换一般的字汇或借助增加细节来增强其他的写作方法一样,我们可以使我们的作品更清楚分明,举出例子来充当主题句。事实上,例子可能是单字,片语, 轶事或从一个段落到一篇的整个随笔,但是我宁愿引述一些诗句来产生更为深情的感觉从而给读者留下难以忘却的印象。
在英语教学理论方面,我们总是要回溯到别人的牙慧中。提及那包罗万象的各种教学方法,你不妨可以把来源于权威人士的论述做一个比较: 直接法,听说法,认知法,功能法,还有交际法等等。事实上以上所有的方法全部包含部份自己的教学理由。关键是在于老师们自己的信心。重要的因素都有据可依,这要取决于适当地依照个人的能力施教。每位教师都要让他们不同程度学生发现最适合自己的有效的教学方法。然而,书山不会自动变成坦途的。英语教学是一种艺术。面对着不同的学生或学习目的,你决不应该胡子眉毛一把抓。在每个阶段或起点,你要做的最首要的事是让学生明白他们当前学习的目的。确保让你的学生把学习本身视为一种社会的交际工具来使用。 好的开端是成功的一半。


Some translation of sentences written by very important people
Any historic persons who have great achievements show their merits in which they must result from hard working and painstaking practice.
凡事以理想为因,实行为果。 (鲁迅)
In doing everything, we take the ideal as the reason for which we practice and get our fruit.
As long as one has the great ideal, he feel always happy even if at the time when meeting with the hardest and the most difficult occasion.
To realize one’s ideal, he needs not only determination and courage, but also the knowledge.
A person who had the great and lofty ideal must also have the classic thoughts and feelings, without which he can't attain his goal.
We want to live with the ambition, but we must avoid the idealistic unpractical. There is an ancient Chinese saving that well goes, " Going far you feel famous, and when ascending high you appear vulgar."

The Sorrow of Love (---By William Butler Yeats)

The quarrel of the sparrow in the eaves,
  The full round moon and the star-laden sky,
And the loud song of the ever-singing leaves,
  Has hid away earth's old and weary cry.
And then you came with those red mournful lips,
  And with you came the whole of the world's tears,
And all the trouble of her laboring ships
  And all the trouble of her myriad years.
And how the sparrows warring in the eaves,
  The curd-pale moon, the white stars in the sky,
And the loud chaunting of the unquiet leaves,
  Are shaken with earth's old and weary cry.

爱的悲哀 /叶芝(1865-1939),1923年获诺贝尔文学奖



作者:韩家华 发表时间:2005-6-29

  中国传统文化的重心所在与西方文化大不相同,西方的基督教创造了一个永恒的彼岸世界。西方诗人们也把它看成了一切生命的最后安顿之所,现世人生只不过是永恒长河中一段微不足道的插曲。浪漫派诗人容易激动,然而即使是在他们最为激动的时候也并未完全为情感所俘虏,多多少少还是免不了静观的色彩。即使是在他们的入世色彩很浓的诗篇中,仍然保留着超脱凡尘的终极追求与关怀(ultimate concern)。照他们自己的话来说,他们的诗是“强烈情感流溢之后静忆”所得。(overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility)。也就是说,在情感翻腾之时不写,而是到了有一定心理距离之后,平心静气时才去写的。从这一点上看就与中国的诗人们大相径庭。中国的诗人或文学家往往都是在灵感来临时一气呵成的,容不得片刻拖延。如果你苦心经营,反而“淡而无味”。“少时学语苦难圆,只道工夫半未全。到老始知非力取,三分人事七分天。”估计这首诗也是诗人写出好诗后的偶然体会的现场纪录。清代梅曾亮认为:“文在天地,如云物烟景焉,一俯仰之间,而遁乎万里之外。故善为文者,无失其机。”明代谢榛也说:“诗有天机,待时而发,触物而成,虽幽寻苦索,不易得也。”南宋诗人戴复古也说:“有时忽得惊人句,费尽心机做不成。”   下面用一对实例来进一步铺张,看看我们能得到什么结果。


Thine azure sister of the Spring2 shall blow
Her clarion3(trumpet) o’er the dreaming earth, and fill
(Driving sweet buds like flocks(eager) to feed in air)
With living hues and odours (over) plain and hill:
Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere
Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!




my friend, my brother!
Don’t stop your cups.
Let me sing a song for you,
Listen carefully please.
But music and delicacies are nothing,
I long to dwell in drunkenness, and Never wake up to a sober world.

  在翻译诗歌时,在求“信”的前提下,应该尽量把原文的情怀表达出来。我感到这才是最难的了。在译文中用了”Never wake up to a sober world.” 似乎不忠于原文,实际上是最符合原文的情怀了。表达作者不愿意看到当时人世间的悲苦,个人抱负又难以实现,只能以酒消愁,宁可长醉不醒。如果不是这样译的话,在老外眼里只能读出一种异国情调,有趣则有趣,然而趣味何在,则惘无所知!这岂不是白译了?


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